Greater Kailash 2: Real Estate Information
For expert real estate services in Greater Kailash 2 (GK 2), contact Property Masterz at +91-9310534515.
District and Pin Code Information
- District: Greater Kailash falls under the South Delhi district.
- Pin Code of GK Part 1: The pin code for Greater Kailash Part 1 is 110048.
Comparing Greater Kailash 1 and 2
- Which is Better?: Both Greater Kailash 1 (GK 1) and Greater Kailash 2 (GK 2) are considered prime and posh localities in Delhi. GK 1 is often noted for its bustling M Block market and proximity to various amenities, while GK 2 is known for its quieter residential vibe and spacious properties. The choice between the two depends on personal preferences regarding lifestyle and convenience.
Celebrities Living in Greater Kailash
- Celebrities: Greater Kailash is home to several celebrities and high-profile individuals. Some well-known names include politicians, actors, and business tycoons who prefer the area for its upscale living and excellent amenities.
Property Dealers in Greater Kailash 2
Here are some top property dealers in GK 2 for both rental and purchase needs:
New Property Dealers in Greater Kailash 2
- Property Masterz
- Contact: +91-9310534515
- Services: Specializes in buying, selling, and renting properties in GK 2. Known for providing personalized and professional real estate services.
Property Dealers in Greater Kailash 2 for Rent
Property Masterz
- Contact: +91-9310534515
- Specialty: Known for a vast inventory of rental properties and excellent customer service.
Prime Estates
- Contact: +91-XXXXXXXXXX
- Specialty: Tailored rental solutions with extensive listings.
Urban Property Dealers
- Contact: +91-XXXXXXXXXX
- Specialty: Renowned for their comprehensive rental property listings and customer satisfaction.
Property Dealers in Greater Kailash 2 for Sale
Property Masterz
- Contact: +91-9310534515
- Specialty: Premium property listings and reliable service for buying properties.
GK Real Estate Solutions
- Contact: +91-XXXXXXXXXX
- Specialty: Wide range of houses, flats, and commercial properties for sale.
Luxury Homes GK
- Contact: +91-XXXXXXXXXX
- Specialty: Specializes in high-end and luxury properties.
Best Property Dealers in Greater Kailash 2
Property Masterz
- Contact: +91-9310534515
- Reputation: Known for their professionalism, extensive property listings, and customer satisfaction.
ABC Realtors
- Contact: +91-XXXXXXXXXX
- Reputation: Strong market presence and excellent customer reviews.
XYZ Properties
- Contact: +91-XXXXXXXXXX
- Reputation: Renowned for their extensive property listings and client satisfaction.
Contact Property Masterz
For any real estate needs in Greater Kailash 2, whether buying, selling, or renting, Property Masterz can provide expert guidance and excellent service. Contact them at +91-9310534515 for further assistance.